Canyonville Pumpkin and Music Celebration
This festival features a giant pumpkin weigh-in, carved pumpkins, scarecrows, tall tales and pie-eating, seed-spittin’ and pumkin recipe contests. There’s a classic car show, a perennial plant swap, an exotic animal show, hay rides and a wine and beer garden. If that’s not enough fun, there’sĀ alderwood-barbequed salmon, German sausage, hot dogs, cider and of course, pumpkin pie!
There are no booths of people hawking cheap trinkets here; this is a real country harvest experience! The contests, music and shows are free, and both children and adults can participate on their own levels. After the awards ceremony, there’s always greatĀ jazz or blues music with kids and adults alike dancing on the pavillion. At dusk, the jack-o-lanterns are lit to provide a silly/spooky ambience to wrap up the day. This is just good old-fashioned small-town fun!
- Annual event held in October
- ADA accessible
- Visitor center

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