Mt. Pisgah/Howard Buford Recreation Area
Mount Pisgah and Howard Buford Recreation Area offer an incredible recreation and habitat resource located within minutes of downtown Eugene. Howard Buford Recreation Area is a 2,363-acre county park that offers more than 16 miles of hiking trails, is set between the confluence of the Coast and Middle forks of the Willamette River and is a popular destination for birders, equestrians and nature lovers. The most dominant feature within the park is Mt. Pisgah, a 1,531-foot-high volcanic butte that offers a commanding view up and down the Willamette Valley and crest to crest of the Coast and Cascade ranges. The lands around the mountain offer incredible natural diversity, with a 209-acre living tree museum, wetlands, prairie and oak savanna habitat, wildflower meadows, birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians, and countless insects and fungi.
This county park is maintained by two nonprofit organizations, Friends of Buford Park/Mt. Pisgah and the Mount Pisgah Arboretum. Together, they are dedicated to conserving and enhancing the natural and recreational qualities of the park, offering educational opportunities and activities and maintaining a native plant nursery that helps support the habitat restoration work mainly performed by hundreds of volunteers each year. The park also offers facilities for community events held throughout the year including the annual Wildflower Festival and the Mushroom Festival.
- ADA accessible
- Fee required for parking
- Guided tours available at some events
- Interpretive signage

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