Fraga Farm
A visit to Fraga Farm connects the visitor with the process of local food production. Fraga Farm shows the visitor a small organic dairy farm, educating them about an alternative to industrial dairy farms. An increase in visitors will raise awareness among the general public about the importance of local food producers. The owners of Fraga Farm are supporters of other local food efforts, and started the Sweet Home Farmer’s Market a few years ago.
Fraga Farm Organic goat cheese is outstanding. It is tasty and nourishing, and created with love in small batches. I love the farm for many reasons: their holistic approach to raising goats, the small dairy with the window so visitors can take a peek, the gorgeous location on the Santiam River. I love that the goats are healthy and happy, fed 100% organically and given natural remedies for ailments. Fraga Farm is a great example of the strong local/organic movement in Oregon and Washington.
- Located on private land
- Guided tours available

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