Delta Old-Growth Forest
The one-half-mile Delta Nature Trail takes visitors of all ages and abilities into the Delta Old Growth Grove, which is a diverse and richly abundant place. Here you can experience magnificent old-growth Douglas firs and Western red cedars – some more than 200 feet tall and 650 years old. Not only will you see majestic conifers, but the other layers in the ecosystem – shrubs and ground-cover plants - that form the forest framework. You’ll also experience the clear water of the side channels and streams that braid through the river delta. Use all of your senses to fully appreciate the splendor and enchantment of this grove.
An interpretive brochure is available at the parking area to lead hikers to several special interest spots. The brochure describes the plant community and explains how the Pacific Northwest is an ideal environment for an old-growth ecosystem. Visitors, while viewing and absorbing the beauty of the area will hopefully gain an understanding of the old-growth ecosystem web of life and an appreciation of the native people’s well-tuned adaptation to this landscape.
- ADA accessible
- Interpretive materials available
- Visitor center nearby

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