Colliding Rivers Classic Sheepdog Championships

The event is unique in its heritage theme of sheepdog herding, and is held at a working ranch located in at a historically significant area of Douglas County, near the county seat of Roseburg.  The event is named after a distinct nearby geological location, the Colliding Rivers wayside in Glide. 

The event features working sheepdogs in a competitive event, with handlers from throughout the Northwest attending.  The art festival also features a artists’ show and contest where other agricultural demonstrations are held, such as a sheep-shearing contest, plus weaving and spinning demonstrations and music.

The rich heritage of this particular region of Oregon is particularly interesting to a growing urban and regional audience that has little opportunity to see working dogs, sheep-herding and practical application of agricultural history. The ranch itself is naturally managed as a grass-fed cattle operation, using sustainable practices in harmony with the setting in the foothills of the Umpqua River valleys. Wildlife abounds on this pristine property, including elk, black-tail and white-tail deer, wild turkeys and numerous upland birds.

  • Event held annually, third weekend in August
  • Fees required for some activities
  • ADA accessible
  • Trained guides available
  • Interpretive signage
  • Visitor center
  • Located on private land

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