Cheadle Lake Recreation Area
The original property at Cheadle Lake, a donation land claim, contained a small pond with lots of swampy ground. The settler family developed a creamery and sold cheese to folks passing on the Santiam Wagon Road (east of the lake is a kiosk designated to the Santiam Wagon Road). Later, excavation enlarged the water area for use as a mill pond. Now it is being revitalized — becomingĀ a serene lake with hiking trails, wildlife. A variety of volunteers (local groups, school groups, individuals) in conjunction with the city and the Lebanon Community Foundation are coming together to help develop this area. The park is the siteĀ of the Strawberry Festival, Oregon’s second-oldest festival, held in June of each year.
- ADA accessible
- Guided tours available
- Fee required
- Located on both public and private land

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